Final post

Hello Faubloggerrrsss

Today, I going to do one selection about the previous theme and post. It is a special post because is a re-count of the semester. A hard semester, a hard year. My favorite post was about an artist, because I can to show an artist that I like me as Julio Cortazar. There are two themes that me to talk or to write. One is my cat AKA Yifu Tuan, that is an adventurer full of stories and of secret. Second, about Julio Cortazar, because is as my cat, very much stories and many secret. With Cortazar, I loved the magic realism and I can to share with you. His stories, his book and poetry, about love, the daily life and Cronopios and Famas. It post was very beautiful because we talk about our literary or artistic world, our influences and our ways, and all could to learn of the other, and about other forms, other themes. However, there are other posts that don’t like me. The post about the job don’t like very much, because the job is very boring, I don’t like my job jajaja but is a little problem with the job. 

Well my friend, bonne anne et bonne chance


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